Saturday, August 30, 2008

hoopin' it up in the bush

not too long after returning to uganda, a small group of volunteers met at joe's site to play basketball. this is a project joe has been working on for a long time, and with some help from the u.s. and the local community, he was able to construct a totally viable basketball court in the middle of nowhere. the goal, net, and ball were carried to uganda from the states, while the backboard and support system were assembled locally. i can't really describe how fun it was to pick up and play that afternoon in such an improbable setting. hope you enjoy the photos...

demonstrating how to shoot with a child on your back

where's the open man?

for three!


Lisa said...

This is so awesome.

debrick said...


Rick said... was indeed both awesome and fantastic. and as soon as joe gets back from vacation, i'm gonna try to hoop it up again!

Mathew said...

That guy in the blue shirt needs a fucking 3-point-stance. WTF? You could have easily had your way with that obviously athletically challenged T-Bag.

I'm actually sort of playing out the steps in my head if you would have used your skillzz on that guy...


Hurry home Gouge. Boulder's rocky shores await a tall bastards arrival.