Friday, December 5, 2008

thanksgiving in tororo

lots of food, lots of friends, and one very long table!

on saturday, november 29th, a healthy contingent of peace corps volunteers descended upon tororo town to celebrate thanksgiving. not only was there an impressive amount of delicious food, but everyone got to eat at the same time... off of plates... with their own utensils! typically, a small gathering of only a few people will exhaust a volunteer's flatware supply. but for thanksgiving, we planned ahead!

for a mere 40,000 ugandan shillings ($20-$25),
i turned one of my supervisor's turkeys into thanksgiving dinner!

for the first time in my life, i was directly involved in deep-frying a turkey. under the expert, patient tutelage of a fellow volunteer (from the southern u.s.), i learned the ropes. after injecting the meat with an intense mixture of special spices using a veterinary syringe, i spent most of the afternoon dunking, checking, and replacing chunks of our holiday bird in 10 liters of bubbling vegetable oil. all in all, it was a pretty delicious experience that i hope to repeat someday...

clockwise from top: turkey/chicken, stuffing, green beans,
mac-n-cheese, sweet corn.
not pictured: cornbread, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie,
spice cake, apple pie, and more!


Ted Simpson said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Rick. We think of you often. Now that we have a son, Tara often says "I hope Nathaniel turns out to be a lot like Rick Barley."

Rick said...

happy belated thanksgiving to you, too! thanks for the thoughts and for reading ze blogge. greet the fam for me!