Friday, December 4, 2009

two years is long, but not forever

somehow, there is only one page left on the 2009 calendar mom made for me last year and i have a feeling it's not gonna last long; i'm caught in one of those pockets where time just runs like mad. our students finished their final exams today and head home tomorrow morning for the long holiday. while i welcome the peace and quiet this change will bring, i'm less excited about the implications. the school year is now over and following soon after is my peace corps service. between now and january 14th, i'll be tying up the loose ends of all my projects and will hopefully be able to post something meaningful about what has been going on recently. i'm really pleased with how things are winding up and couldn't be more grateful for this opportunity i've had here. more to come soon...


debrick said...

The feeling goes both ways. These people are the lucky ones to have had you in their lives. We're so proud of you, to say the least. :)

JS said...

thanks for the bday greetings a while back rick. we'll be thinking about you as things wrap up.....