Sunday, February 21, 2010

mondulkiri, cambodia

my last major excursion in cambodia was to the eastern province of mondulkiri, a mountainous region where nights are cool, ants are many, and elephants are man's best friend.

my main goal was to travel by (elephant) foot into the forest,
which was pretty easy to do with twenty bucks.

i was only "saddled up" for half the day (i walked back alongside the elephants) because the "basket" in which we were seated was so small that my knees were tucked into my armpits for about the whole ride. not comfortable. but fun anyway.

we ended at a waterfall and swimming hole, where a group of kids were launching themselves into the water below. it would have been pretty interesting to have had access to such a playground as a kid.

after a much-needed bath, our elephant took a few minutes to scratch an itch...

this was how we moved (note the child "driver")

for five relaxing nights, i stayed in this simple little cabin -
an excellent way to wrap up my time in southeast asia


Unknown said...

Hi Rick...Your pictures are just fantastic! I loved reading your stories and loved seeing all the beautiful pictures on your many journeys. I can't wait to see you !
Love, Auntie Cheryl

Jaime T. said...

Looks like you are having some incredible experiences - we're so happy you are taking advantage of this time to see the world! Thanks for sharing it with us housebound peops on your blog! :)

Rick said...

glad you've enjoyed the posts, can't wait to see you guys too!