Thursday, July 31, 2008


the noise was strange; unlike any of the noises i have become accustomed to hearing. it sounded like fowl, but was neither clucking nor gobbling. i looked out the window and saw what can only be described as a gang of turkeys (kulukulu) mid-melee. they had traded their gobbles for more urgent, higher-pitched shrieking and were actually attacking each other. every turkey for itself.

of course, i went in for a closer look, with the intention of breaking up the fight to restore momentary peace and quiet to my sick bay veranda. but these brazen turkeys were oblivious to my presence. i walked into their midst and even lightly kicked a few but got no response. they just continued head-butting each other and howling indiscriminately. the brawl soon spilled onto my veranda, after which several of the turkeys angrily shat in front of my door.


Chris said...

Citizens demand extreme video!

Lisa said...

"after which several of the turkeys angrily shat in front of my door"

that is an excellent line :)

Rick said...

EXTREEEEEME!!! on a scale of one to ten with one being the least extreme and ten being the most extreme, i'd give it a nine point fiiiiive!!!

Rick said...

i feel like a series of similarly excellent lines could be written about biscuit.

Atelier Acuaj said...

I loooove the sound! Enjoi it!