Friday, July 6, 2007

the african carry-all

it is quickly evident to anyone who is visiting uganda for the first time that the bicycles here are for more than riding. every day, i see people heroically carrying literally anything on their bicycles. giant bunches of bananas, enormous bundles of firewood, dozens of jerrycans, shelves, beds, and even entire storefronts have been spotted. however, i think my favorite cargo-spotting so far has been the bundle of live chickens shown above, enjoying a brief pit stop before continuing on to the local market. it is also worth noting that, not 10 seconds after i took this photo, one of the chickens began bocking and swaying enthusiastically (perhaps suddenly aware of his fate), causing the bicycle to tip over!

1 comment:

Monica said...

I laughed. And then I was hit by the same urgency and sadness that the poor feathered brother of mine was undoubtedly consumed with.

Om shanti to the poor little buddy!