Friday, March 5, 2010

bafflement: it's what's for dinner!

when someone like me sits down to eat alone at a restaurant in beijing, knowing not a word of mandarin, it can be comforting to see some english descriptions of dishes on the menu. however, ripe with the finest chingrish around, these translations can cause more confusion (and tears of hilarity) than clarity. enjoy the following selections from a place i visited for lunch.

poor piggy

for those in a hurry

you might be too if you were scalloped

a vegetarian dish, perhaps?



"sheep's leg greedy bullfrog (do the boiler...)"
i guess that's what the bullfrog gets for being greedy

BONUS: "jumbotron" description from an acrobats performance

"bounding vigorously - ball catching"
(what this turned out to be was a mind-blowing juggling show)


debrick said...

So THAT"S what's in Chinese food??!!
Absolutely hysterical!!! Looking forward to preparing some less scary dishes upon your return. :)

Lisa said...

You know I'm always looking for fresh recipe titles...I might have to steal some of these. ;)

Rick said...

yeah, let's work on adopting some of these in the regular rotation. OR, at least try to be as creative in the naming of our mundane dishes :)

Unknown said...

I just know that your Mom will look forward to something new to cook !! With these great oriental dishes, there sure is a wonderful selection (not)
Welcome back !! Can't wait to see you.
Uncle Cheryl

Rick said...

thanks, cheryl, i look forward to seeing you too!